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X (Formerly Twitter) Thread of the Week: Learn How to Make Money On LinkedIn With These 27 Profitable Strategies

LinkedIn icon on a laptop computer.

Ah, Twitter…er, X – a true goldmine of internet wisdom when you know how to tap into its potential and find powerful threads like the one from @charlesmiller_7 where he teaches us how to make money on LinkedIn by breaking down 27 profitable strategies.

Mastering the algorithm is the secret to unlocking a treasure trove of relevant and insightful content that aligns perfectly with your interests. Personally, I’ve fine-tuned my X feed to cater to my two passions: sports gambling and building an online business to learn how to make passive income.

While some threads can be a bit overwhelming, and honestly get pretty annoying, I’ve discovered some true gems that have been invaluable in my journey to tip the scales of earned income vs passive income to live a more time-rich and financially free life.

My collection of bookmarked threads keeps growing, and every week, I’m thrilled to share my favorite discoveries with you all!

For this post, we will take a look at a tweet from Charles Miller where he breaks down 27 profitable strategies to help people monetize their audience and content to make money on LinkedIn.

Why I Like This Post:

It doesn’t matter if you are wanting to become a solopreneur, offer your skills through feelancing, or looking for your next full-time job, LinkedIn is a great place for building on audience and finding a number of different opportunities. Charles Miller does an awesome job of breaking down the various ways in which you can set yourself apart to make money on LinkedIn as well as building an impactufl network that leads to long-term success.

A social media post on how to make money on LinkedIn

Make Money on LinkedIn With These 27 Profitable Strategies from Charles Miller

1. How to use LinkedIn Search Correctly

The first step to make money on LinkedIn is identifying your target audience and understanding how to find them. Know how to leverage the LinkedIn filters to get hyperfocused results to find exactly who you are targeting with your messaging and content. Charles gives the following example in his thread:

  • Search a term like “CMO”
  • Click “people”
  • Filter in a variety of ways
  • Do personalized outreach
  • Get clients/jobs/etc

While the final bullet of get clients/jobs/etc. may be a bit of an oversimplification of the process; this is a good starting point for finding a number of individuals who fit your target audience and when it comes to finding ways to make money on LinkedIn, this is a crucial step in the process.

2. Get Found More Easily on LinkedIn With Keywords in Your Profile

In step one Charles talks about fine tuning your search, well, this is how other people on LinkedIn are also searching. So having the right keyword(s) in your profile is key to being found.

Strategy number two for making money on LinkedIn by having keywords in your profile.

3. Optimize Your Header Photo

People like to put a face to who they are communicating with so make sure you have a strong header photo in your LinkedIn profile. You can leverage a tool like Canva to create a clean photo yourself, or find someone on Upwork or Fiverr to do it for you.

Strategy number three for making money on LinkedIn: optimizing your header photo.

4. Consider Using AI Tools for Your Profile Photo

With the power of AI Tools helping people make money online, you can certainly leverage the technlogy to also create your LinkedIn profile photo that help you stand out. Tools like Aragon are simple to use and give you great photos.

LinkedIn money making strategy number four: using AI on your profile photo.

5. Personalize Your Profile URL

When it comes to strategies to make money on LinkedIn, this one is possibly the lowest hanging fruit.

X Thread strategy number 5 for earning money on LinkedIn: personalizing your URL.

6. Using Creator Mode on LinkedIn to Make Money

When you turn on creator mode you get acess to useful tools not available to anyone other than content creators on the platform. This is obviously quite important if you are trying to monetize your LinkedIn audience through you content.

X Thread Strategy Number 6 for making money on LinkedIn: use creator mode.

7. Use Social Proof (If You Have It)

If you have client testimonials, quotes, mentions, or big-name clients you’ve worked with than be sure to share that in your bio. This builds trust and gives validation to who you are and what you are offering.

LinkedIn monetization strategy number seven: use social proof.

8. Ask People to Engage With Your Posts and Your Profile

People are more likely to engage with your content and profile if you ask them to do so. This may sound obvious, but more often than not, people create content without asking their audience for any sort of engagement (aside from YouTubers who spend the first 3 minutes of their video asking you to like, subscribe, submit a DNA sample, etc.)

X Thread strategy number eight: ask people to engage with your content.

9. Create Content for Your Audience

If you want to make money on LinkedIn, you have to build a committed audience. The best way to do this is by creating engaging, useful content for your audience. Creating content has become easier now that their are a number of AI writing tools available.

Strategy number nine for making money on LinkedIn: create content.

10. Add a Link With a Custom CTA (Call to Action)

Having a custom CTA in your your profile is a new feature on LinkedIn and is great for anyone wanted to leverage their audience to make money. Linking your best or most important offer directly in your profile is a game changer for LinkedIn content creators.

Strategy number ten for making money on LinkedIn: add a link with a custom call to action.

11. You Can’t Make Money on LinkedIn if You Can’t be Contacted

This is another simple step that needs to be done when setting up or editing your profile. Make it simple for people to contact you be providing them your contact information (duh). Some folks don’t like to communicate over LinkedIn DM’s, so make sure to give them another way to reach you.

Twitter thread for LinkedIn monetization: Add contact info so you can be contacted outside of LinkedIn.

12. Don’t be Lazy When it Comes to Connection Requests

Don’t be a robot when it comes to sending connection requests. Add a personalized note and let the person you are trying to connect with see that you’ve done your homework on them and that the connection could actually be of value.

Personalize your connection requests on LinkedIn.

13. Maximize Your Experience Section

People are interested in learning about you and who you are, not just your name and job title. Be sure to include your unique experiences and what makes you different than others. You can also leverage images and other media.

Maximize your experience section on LinkedIn.

14. Make Your About Section Appealing to Readers

Similar to your experience section, make sure that your about section is also appealing to readers. Tell your story in a unique way that engages your audience and makes them want to learn more about your, or better yet, work with you.

LinkedIn strategy number nineteen: make your about section appealing to readers.

15. Add Non-Core Profile Sections When Relevant

Find non-core sections that are relevant to you and your experience and be sure to add them to your profile. This helps create a more in-depth picture of who you are outside of just your profession.

Add non-core profile sections when relevant to help stand out on LinkedIn.

16. Follow Up On Connections

Don’t just collect connections like Pokemon cards, start conversations and build relationships with the people in your network.

LinkedIn Strategy for following up on connections.

17. Keep Up With Connections

Stay engaged with people after you connect. Don’t just talk to them once, or congratulate them on certain milestones. Stay in touch and reach out periodically.

LinkedIn strategy on keeping up with your connections.

18. Comment on Other LinkedIn Posts…a Lot

If content creation isn’t your thing, or you just don’t have the time to produce high-volumes of it, you can still build engagement on LinkedIn by simply commenting on other posts. This is a great way of building exposure while also starting conversations.

LinkedIn Monetization Strategy: Comment on other people's posts.

19. Use Images and Carousels

Go beyond text based posting and use images and carousels to stand out in other’s crowded feeds. This helps make your posts far more eye-catching and appealing.

Use images and carousels on LinkedIn for more appealing posts.

20. Build Trust by Experimenting With Video

In a world of TikTok and YouTube shorts, video is well on its way to becoming the king of content creation. So don’t be afraid to get creative on LinkedIn and experiment with videos to capture your audience’s attention.

Experiment with video to capture your audience on LinkedIn and make money.

21. Have a Framework and System for Posting Content on LinkedIn

Just like any other content creation strategy, having a system is imperitive. Being predictable and consistent goes a long way in building an audience and making sure the algorithms are picking up your content.

Create a posting system for consistent content creation.

22. Get Inspired by Others

I obviously get inspired by others, that’s why I do these posts every week. While creating content is important, it’s also helpful to consume content, especially from people you trust and admire.

LinkedIn monetization strategy: get inspired by other creators.

23. Build a Simple Website For Lead Generation

Having a simple, one page website with additional links, contact info, and your previous work is another great way to show off your skillsets and validate yourself to others. It doesn’t need to be anything complicated, using a site like Carrd to build a one-pager will put you ahead of 90% of other folks and help you make money on LinkedIn by capturing more inbound leads.

Build a simple website to drive traffic and get inbound leads from LinkedIn.

24. Use Your Profiles Featured Section

If you want to make money on LinkedIn, your audience needs to know what they can get from you. Having your most important offers linked in your featured section is a great way to inform them.

Use your profiles featured section on LinkedIn to promote your important offers.

25. Tell Your Story and Share Your Opinions

Sharing useful information related to your audience’s interests is an important part of a LinkedIn content strategy, but you also need to tell your story and share your own opinions. If you want to become a thought leader, you need to share your own thoughts. Not everyone may agree with them 100% of the time, but this will help build a loyal and dedicated audience.

LinkedIn Strategy for telling your story and sharing your opinions.

26. Add a ‘P.S’ to the End of Your LinkedIn Posts

Similar to asking for engagement, this is a great way to give a little nudge to your readers that can drive engagement. Ask a question or ask for people’s opinions to your post.

Add a P S to the end of your LinkedIn posts to encourage engagement.

27. You Want to Make Money on LinkedIn, but Know it’s More Than That

Understand that not every interaction or engagement on LinkedIn is going to lead to revenue, and that’s fine. In fact, it should be expected and accepted. LinkedIn is more than just a place to make money, it’s a massive networking opportunity and relationship builder and that’s how you win long-term.

Understand that LinkedIn is not just a place to make money.

So, what do you think? Can you see yourself being able to make money on LinkedIn and DripFi your income streams? Hopefully you found this thread as helpful as I did and you can incorporate them into your methods of earning passive income.

Thanks for checking out this week’s Thread of the Week and looking forward to sharing another one with you next week!

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