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Solopreneurs Success Habits: The GOATS Share Their Top Solopreneur Tips

Bearded man with his had on his chin and the caption of top solopreneur tips.


You know what they say – if you want to be the best, learn from the best.

As a solopreneur, you’re a one-person show, juggling everything from strategy to execution trying to run a business. It’s a wild ride, but it doesn’t have to be a solo mission.

Let me be very clear, I am not the best (yet), so this post isn’t about my habits, tips and tricks on how to become a successful solopreneur

Instead, I’m sharing the solopreneur tips and traits I’ve come across from some of the legends in the space.

I’ve done the legwork and dived deep into the routines and strategies of legendary business owners like Pat Flynn, Marie Forleo, Tim Ferriss, Justin Welsh, and Michael O’Neal.

These pros have cracked the code to solo success, and their insights are pure gold (and free).

So, buckle up and get ready to level up your game with solopreneur tips straight from the top.

Let’s jump in!

Pat Flynn’s Tips for Solopreneur Success

Image of Pat Flynn.

Imagine getting laid off from your job and turning that setback into a multi-million dollar empire.

That’s Pat Flynn for you.

He’s the brain behind “Smart Passive Income,” a blog and podcast that demystifies the world of passive income and online business.

Pat’s journey from unemployment to becoming a one-person business and passive income powerhouse is nothing short of inspirational. He’s all about transparency, sharing his wins and failures alike, and helping others build their own online ventures.

Whether through his detailed blog posts, engaging podcasts, or bestselling books, Pat has a knack for breaking down complex concepts into actionable steps, making him a go-to guru for aspiring solopreneur business owners.

Pat’s Top Solopreneur Tips:

Embrace Failure as Learning:

In a conversation on a podcast with Jeffrey Shaw, Pat talks about the importance of embracing failure as a learning opportunity. He views each setback as a crucial part of the journey toward success in solopreneurship.

Build a Community:

Pat emphasizes the power of community building on his “Smart Passive Income” podcast. He believes that creating a loyal audience that feels connected and valued is essential for long-term success.

Continuous Experimentation:

During various episodes of his podcast and blog posts, Flynn advocates for regularly testing new ideas and strategies. He stresses that experimentation is key to discovering what works best and ensuring continuous growth.

Authenticity and Relatability:

Pat’s authenticity shines through in his personal stories and experiences shared on his platforms. He believes that being relatable helps build a strong, trust-based relationship with his audience.

Marie Forleo’s Solopreneur Tips for Success

An image of Marie Forleo.

Marie Forleo is like a burst of energy and wisdom in the entrepreneurial world. 

She’s the founder of MarieTV, an online show packed with actionable advice and B-School, a training program that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs elevate their businesses.

Marie’s journey is all about blending personal development with savvy business strategies, wrapped in her signature, vibrant personality. She’s a bestselling author and a motivational speaker who champions authenticity and passion in everything she does.

If you’re looking for someone who can help you create and execute a business plan to build a life you love, Marie is your go-to guide.

Marie’s Tips for Solopreneurs:

Morning Routine to Feel Ready:

In various interviews and her own MarieTV episodes, Marie shares that she starts her day with exercise and meditation. She credits these practices for maintaining her mental clarity and energy levels.

Focus on Relationships:

Marie emphasizes the importance of building and nurturing relationships on her MarieTV show and in her B-School program. She believes strong connections are the foundation of a successful business.

Authenticity and Passion:

Throughout her content, Marie stresses the importance of being authentic and passionate about your work. This approach helps her connect deeply with her audience and build a loyal following.

Prioritize Self-Care:

In her book “Everything is Figureoutable” and various interviews, Marie talks about the necessity of self-care. She practices regular self-care routines to avoid burnout and stay at the top of her game.

Tim Ferriss’s Startup Tips for Success

Tim Ferriss is the epitome of productivity hacking and lifestyle design, and one of the biggest (if not the biggest) inspirations for solopreneurs and people seeking a time rich life. 

He’s best known for his book “The 4-Hour Workweek,” which revolutionized how people think about work and personal efficiency.

Image of the cover for the book the four hour work week.

Tim’s approach is all about maximizing output while minimizing effort, and he’s turned this philosophy into a global movement.

His podcast, “The Tim Ferriss Show,” dives deep into the routines and habits of world-class performers, offering listeners a treasure trove of insights. With his relentless experimentation and knack for deconstructing success, Tim continues to inspire a legion of fans who aspire to work smarter, not harder.

Top Solopreneur Tips From Tim:

The Importance of Morning Routines:

Tim frequently discusses his structured morning routine on “The Tim Ferriss Show.” Practices like journaling and meditation set a positive tone for his day.

Batch Processing Tasks to Stay Organized:

Ferriss promotes batch processing tasks to enhance productivity in his books and podcast. He believes this approach minimizes time wastage and maximizes efficiency.

Selective Ignorance and Set Boundaries:

On his podcast and in his writing, Tim advises focusing only on the most critical tasks and ignoring or delegating the rest to avoid unnecessary distractions.

Continuous Learning and Experimentation:

Tim regularly engages in learning new skills and experimenting with different approaches, as discussed in his books and podcast episodes. This continuous learning keeps him ahead in his field.

Justin Welsh’s Tips for Brand Success

Justin Welsh is the guy who took LinkedIn by storm and turned his personal brand into a powerhouse.

He’s a solopreneur and business coach who specializes in scaling businesses and building a strong online presence. 

Justin’s content is raw, actionable, and deeply rooted in his own experiences. He’s all about transparency and sharing the real ups and downs of solopreneur life.

With his straightforward advice and no-nonsense approach, Justin helps others navigate the complexities of running a solo business, making him a trusted voice for many aspiring solopreneurs.

Justin’s Solopreneur Tips:

Time Blocking:

In his LinkedIn posts and personal blog, Justin discusses how he uses time blocking to manage his day efficiently, dedicating specific time slots to high-priority tasks.

Consistent Content Creation:

Justin emphasizes the importance of creating and sharing valuable content consistently in his LinkedIn updates and articles. This strategy helps him build and engage his audience.

Leveraging LinkedIn:

Welsh uses LinkedIn strategically to build his professional network. He shares insightful content and actively engages with his network, as discussed in his posts and interviews.

Setting Clear Boundaries:

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for Justin. He often talks about setting clear boundaries to ensure he has time for personal activities and relaxation.

Michael O’Neal’s Tips for Success

An image of Michael O'neal.

Michael O’Neal is the charismatic host of “The Solopreneur Hour” podcast, where he interviews top solopreneurs and shares practical insights.

His background is as diverse as his interests, blending a love for tech, music, and entrepreneurship into a unique perspective on business.

Michael’s podcast isn’t just about business and solopreneur tips; it’s about the lifestyle of solopreneurs, filled with stories of both struggle and triumph.

He’s known for his engaging storytelling and down-to-earth advice, making his content relatable and inspiring for anyone on the solo business journey.

Michael O’Neal’s Tips:

Recognizing and Preventing Burnout:

Michael talks about the importance of being aware of solopreneur burnout signs and managing stress in his podcast episodes. He emphasizes scheduling regular downtime to stay healthy and productive.

Fostering Collaboration:

On “The Solopreneur Hour,” Michael discusses the value of collaboration. He creates environments where individuals can connect and support each other, even as solopreneurs.

Emphasizing Authenticity:

Authenticity is central to Michael’s approach, as he often shares on his podcast. Personal stories help build a strong, genuine connection with his audience.

Regular Self-Assessment:

Michael advises continuously evaluating your progress and making necessary adjustments. This tip is frequently highlighted in his podcast and interviews, emphasizing the importance of staying on track for long-term success.


Becoming a successful solopreneur isn’t an overnight sensation – it’s a marathon built on smart habits and relentless improvement.

By tapping into the wisdom of successful solopreneurs like Pat Flynn, Marie Forleo, Tim Ferriss, Justin Welsh, and Michael O’Neal, you’re not just enhancing your productivity or finding balance – you’re setting yourself up to crush your business goals.

Ready to supercharge your solo journey?

Leave a comment and let me know which of these solopreneur tips you’re already integrating into your routine or planning to.  What did they miss, what works well for you?

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